Friday, December 31, 2010

A long long time ago

when I used to go to church
and I used to sing
I went to
St George's Chapel
in Windsor Castle
most Sundays
it was just me and my friend
whose father was the
Queen's Pipe Major
(he's the man who plays the bagpipes for the Queen)
as I said
 mostly it was just my friend and me
and the
"Choir of St. George's"
a choir very much like the one in the video
voices of angels
little boys
who once they had sung
turned into,
little boys!!!!
This song was my favourite one to sing with them
she and I
in the chapel
in a castle
that has parts of it that have stood for a thousand years
I no longer go to church
nor do I sing
but when I heard this song
the Dr. Who Christmas Special
(of all things!!! :) )
I found great big wet tears rolling down my face

I had forgotten...

the hubs didn't understand of course
plus I couldn't explain why the tears where there
I tried to find the sound I remember
and this one comes the closest
so I hope you will indulge this little
weepy trip down memory lane and listen to it again with me

on this last day
of the first decade
of the
21st Century

you can see it here
when I load videos it messes things up so I have left you a link )
the reason for the season is
 in fact
the bleak mid winter
when the light starts to come back
on the solstice
we needed a light to get us through
so they gave us one.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

one year in a picture

just chose photos as I saw them
and this is what we have

one year

Thanks for being here to look!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goodbye 2010

just popping in to say

another year
What will the new one bring us I wonder
Hopefully less of the
bad stuff
whole bunch
 of the good stuff
I know I am really
 poetic and profound
but hey
it's all been said and will all be said
over and over again

Do you make resolutions?
what are they?
I don't make them
I have never met anyone
 who keeps theirs
you know me by now
I change my mind a lot
I do wish you a
Happy New Year
ALL the BEST of everything
to you ALL
I hope you all had a great Christmas
and are ready to
start all over again
with new ideas
new projects
new hope
I look forward to
it all with you
Take care
have a
great time
whatever you do!!
See you on the other side of the


Friday, December 24, 2010

A light for Elizabeth

and for all of you who may pass this way!

Elizabeth Cat

suggested that she and I light a candle today
to feel a little closer
 in the spirit of friendship
So I did.
I light it for all of you too,
who have taken some time to come here this past year
make me laugh
or cry
who have encouraged me
complimented me
and just generally made me feel
especially on those days
when I have felt anything but.
this blogging "thing" has turned out to be so much more than I ever imagined
as those of you who blog
It's funny how with all of the millions of us
you somehow find a few that turn into
what can be called
my friends

Happy Christmas
in all the languages there are
on this planet
enjoy yourselves
eat too much
if you drink too much
stay put and sleep it off there!!!
stay warm and cool
 most of all
I'm logging off for now
my hands hurt!!!

and I need to feed the birds
wild duck prints in the snow
(sounds like a song!!)
and bake some cookies
for the man in the room on the right
love ya

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

before you go...


and get really stuck in with what you have to do
I made a little
just for you!
with some luscious roses
and a few cuttings from the garden

I hope it brings a smile
across many a mile

and I wish you all
who won't be back
Merriest of All
Stay safe
stay warm
or cool
or dry
whichever it may be
and we'll see you back
on the other side
of the day
that finds a tree
inside the house
filled up with light
and gifts wrapped round its base
may the day bring you all
much love and joy
and a big smile to your face!!!!!

Merry Christmas Dear Readers
and come back soon
to tell us tales of
christmas cheer
with all those that you hold so dear!!!

Meanwhile for those of us still here
another type of star was made
five squares
five patterns
stuck on the shade

the princess angel and the skinny one
still waiting to find out what's what...
and if they're done

the corner of the living room
it looks a little queer
a star an elf and a yellow bird 
and egyptians
in the rear

and speaking of rears...

she having none of it
she doesn't care
and she's not playing anymore
so under the coffee table she will stay
until it's time to eat
I dare say

BTW, I made a friend some fingerless mittens
and I forgot to take a picture
she's the one who works in the Post Office
where it is so cold because if she turns the heat on the postage falls off

and today is her Birthday
so I took them up to her
and she
they took maybe two evenings to make
I put both of them on the needles so as to be sure I made two!!!
just 38 stitches wide
a few rows of 2k 2p
then stockingette
until they are long enough
 more 2k 2p
sew them up the side
leave a hole for the thumb
you have yourself a happy friend
she put them on and said they really really work!!
just incase you have a spare five minutes!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


We have a hat
the boy's head will not freeze
because I kept going
and just did it!!!

I got myself some short cable needles and cast on
I looked and looked at a lot of patterns
and actually found one with different sizes and measurements
whatever the heck I felt like knitting
it looks like a
bucket hat now
it has a
if you are going to
pom pom something
then I say
give it a

I just hope it fits and he'll wear it

the eye candy is nothing but a
nothing but sugary crumbs

do teenage girls wear granny slippers
hope so coz I'm almost finished making some!!

and this one still makes me


Monday, December 20, 2010

disappearing hippo

Sorry I had to take the video down
it was messing up other things
or maybe it wasn't that
but it's all working now
so maybe
a hippo
isn't what we need for

:) :) :) :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

ho ho who

yes Virginia
there is a Santa claus

around these here parts
Santy Claus
comes on the back of a fire truck
and stands outside your house
greets the
l'il uns on the corner

he has his pitchur took
with the locals
who come out on a
very frosty
see what all the
is about

he moves fast
so as not to get his face
taken too clear

and the ladies
cop a feel
when the Missus ain't a'lookin'

and the photographer
nearly breaks her neck
on the icy patch
but hey
the fire crew was there
so if I had taken a tumble
I'd a'bin
picked up by our

Just thought I'd  let you know how
special our neck of the woods is
Santa comes a'callin'
and the look on the little ones faces
was just

frozen friday frivolities

it's as done as it's ever going to get

the big guy has his list all ready
and he's still taking names
so be good!

the stars are in their place
ready to shine on us

got matches in case the lights go out

and a candle to light with them

this one has lights in case we need more

the gingerbread is out and lit up
 you all light up the gingerbread....right ?:!!

and the
Princess Ann Angel is out and standing guard
with a very hungry Santa behind her
he's ready for all those
cookies and milk
and all the other goodies you put out for him

and pretty soon
just a few more days
he'll be flying over us all
on his way home
and it will start all over again

have a great weekend
get all your stuff done
don't freak out if you can't
they won't even notice
believe me
they won't and don't
try to enjoy
stay warm and safe


Thursday, December 16, 2010

terrific thursday

I noticed that I have a couple of new followers!!
And there were a couple of comments left from new visitors
and a visit from
Elizabeth Cat
is always a wonderful surprise
I don't remember how to say
in Latvian
I woke up extra early this morning
how's 5.15 am sit with you?
so the day will be long
I hope

As you can see from the photo below
we have a frozen lake
covered by a blanket of snow

albeit a thin one
but they say we may get up to 3"
which for the first snow is quite a bit around here
further SOUTH
they are in for 5" or more
Hope the youngest son
makes it through alright!!

this was just a few minutes after it started
I bought a roll of wrapping paper the other day
incase I don't have any or can't find it
this little one has taken a liking to it
she was resting her head on it yesterday and when I tried to move it
she objected
Happy Christmas
Mummy's Little Angel

this is the mess on my desk
cold coffee
patterns on the desktop
on the monitor
and one of them is

the reason for the circular needles
I found a pattern
and it's working
so far
NO it's working
and hopefully I will have a hat soon
I love the stich pattern
it looks like bricks
dashes and dots

and the obsession with the stars
Thank you to those of you who said thank you for posting the tut
I said, on Flickr, that if you don't have fancy shmancy paper
you can use computer paper or magazines or wrapping paper or old books
but not the first editions or the antique ones
I'm going to "scatter " them around the house soon
and of course
take a picture or twelve!!

is a ruffly twisty scarf made with the yarn left over from the
Tunisian one
I made
that isn't for
the hubs said he thought it was
yes, he noticed!!!

the night before last
while I was cooking dinner
I had something to look at
that was quite

the Heron was dining along with me
I saw him catch THREE fish
I'm not sure he should still be here
but I'm so glad he was

and Jack is still around

have a terrific day
stay warm and safe
and I'll catch you later


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I didn't forget...

I have just been doing what I do so well
too many things at once and not getting
much accomplished
 I was dragged
kicking and screaming
out the door to the
useless craft store
the grocery store
for coffee

that, I didn't mind,
because for the last two days the coffee I have drunk
why is it that the shops don't pay attention to what is popular and
who in the heck drinks all that coffee that sits on the shelf
and why don't the buyers see this
pet peeeeevveee
I had wet hair
I was not planning on going out
but I did
I'm a little bit glad
I was dragged
I got some short circular needles
some yarn to finish some
granny square slippers !!!!!  :}
 for the
the g'son is getting a hat
if it kills me
and it probably will
does anyone have a really really easy
nice hat pattern for a
6 yr old
I have looked
all over the place and I can't find anything that
I like
or can do
don't mess up half way through and have to frog
I found four sheets of pretty paper to make some stars
and the candle holders I wanted but wouldn't buy until they went on sale
50% off
were on sale
50% off
that is my day
so far
I still have to finish what I started
and couldn't because
I was dragged out the door
well you know....
so I will leave you with
I found the other day
printed out
made one
and forgot about it
so here...... you make them
have fun!!!!!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

trembling on tuesday

the wind continues to howl
make it unbearable to be out
I ran to the post office
was frozen just going to the car
a friend works at the PO
she is actually the
Post Mistress
(no one else wants to work at our rinky dinky PO)
and she was wearing two sweat shirts and a padded jacket
she says she can't put the heat on
postage falls off
if she does
hopefully all the trucks and planes
aren't heated

I got up really early again
the geese were making quite a racket
in the cold frosty dark
I really do not understand how all those
creatures survive in the winter
and I am going to google where birds sleep at night
just because I can and I want to know!!

birds sleep where they live
plain and simple
in trees and bushes and hedges
some in nooks and crannies in trees
water birds on the water
some on the ground
they are there
but we don't see them
and because nature takes care of her own
they are protected
with layers and air pockets
and muscles to hold their little feet on branches so they don't tumble off
so there you have it
they sleep where they live
bless their little cotton socks)

I took some pictures in the sun
of the little bits and bobs I put up
after I had cleaned
it sure helps keep the
and did a collage
I made a couple of others too
that I will post on
and maybe here too

in the meantime

I made some very simple and easy little paper stars yesterday
I have a plethora of paper
so I thought I would use some of it
they work up fast and if you have some paper and need a little
je ne c'est quoi
in all the spare time I'm sure you have
here's a little tut
cut squares of 4.5"
score lines every .75"
fold on the scores
staple in the middle
mark 1/2" from the staple on either side
and cut from that mark to the outer edges
make sure the folds are up
pull the "arms" out and kind of squash them a bit so they open up
if you want you can put a dab of glue where they come together at the staples
but I found you don't have to if you
them enough
you can make a tiny hole and thread something through to hang them
or just stand them up in and around your
pretty stars

I will show you the little wiggly tree in a bit
I have to make another
and take you some pictures!!!


Stay warm
 see you later!!!!!