Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday finds

This looks yummy and doable

that I found a link to
one of the first blogs I started to read
and still do every single day.
Rosemary posts the most interesting things
images from her collection of books
little snippets from magazines
or books
the images she posts are
just fabulous
you can end up going on an adventure
 of you own
just from what you find over there
where she and her handsome dog
(get it)
contentedly in their cottage

and something completely different

This site I find quite funny sometimes
I don't have a clue as to how I found it
but I go there every so often
and have a little giggle

is its name

and for those of you who like a little

once in a while
you will find some here
it's where I got the little
turbaned bobbins from!!!!

This one will show you all the latest things going on in Craft Land
some are interesting
some are useful
others will leave you

so that is this Friday's tour of all things
I haven't found anything new this week so I will have to go hunting.....

Friday felicitations fellow followers!!!!




  1. Hey Marilyn,
    Why did you take the tutorial page off the top? I liked the first project you posted on there and was gonna give it a try. I saw another blogger recently post about the pages across the top and how to get them there.

    Hope your weather is better today. We are still muggy, dusty, and yucky. :/ Best wishes for the weekend. Tammy

  2. Hey again! The tutorial is not there -- just an editing link. ?? If it is gonna give you another big honkin headache, then don't worry about it. :) Thanks, Tammy

  3. Marilyn...Webster and I are honored to be guests on your blog. Thanks so much for mentioning us. Have a great weekend now that it's stopped raining. xo, Rosemary

  4. Hi! All cute. Thanks Marilyn. Happy weekend! :D
