Tuesday, September 14, 2010

feeling fall...

I don't care what the calendar says.....I'm feeling Fall
big time
After one of the most horrible summers
I think we all deserve a nice
crisp colourful
magaziney type
spectacular colour in the trees
crunchy fallen leaves underfoot
bonfires burning in the distance
harvests of fruit and veg
picnic tables with gingham cloths
 laden with
pies and cakes and puddings
old vintage crocks filled with
soups and stews
plates laden with cheese and home made biscuits
sunflowers and grasses and weeds gone to seed
in wooden buckets up against the trees
the first pumpkins and gourds
decorating the scene
people in jackets and scarves
laughing at jokes only they heard
children running and jumping into piles of leaves
then running to get a drink of fresh apple juice
that was made just a while ago
the sun filtering through the branches
and glowing brightly
Had enough....
me too
coz it's nothing like that here
it's green and hot
and the leaves are dying before they hit the ground
oh they are crunchy alright
so dry they've put a fire alert up!!!
NO bonfires for us
it's too hot anyway!!
Now the local fruit isn't too bad
but there isn't much of it around
it's not soups and stew time
the crock has dust on it from non-use
the sunflowers are dead and on the mulch pile
the weeds have gone to seed but they are full of pollen and I can't get near them
and the thought of putting a jacket and scarf on just makes me
have a hot flash
the children are where they belong
back in school
and the apple juice is full of
and it comes in foil boxes!!
the sun is filtering through the branches
but the glow is too much still
so thats how I feel today
a bit crispy

How about you?

:) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a wonderful Autumn - can I come and join in on that one?! :)
