Saturday, October 15, 2011

so much better with 24000 baci...

to be back among the bloggers and flicker-ers
so many wonderful sweet comments and wishes
and it continued over on Flickr
thank you all so much
whatever goes on in real life is always made better by staying in touch with all of you
it's strange but true
and so many of you know that too

this morning while I was still sipping on the first coffee
I came across a message on Flickr
from Mary
who lives in Italy
where half of my blood comes from
coz my Mama was Italian
incase you didn't know!!!!
anyway Mary sent me off to
Youtube to see something that she said would make me smile
and it did
so I will share it with you
and you will smile and laugh too
it is

the title means
24000 kisses
which is enough to share with all of you

and if you like that then there are two more you
HAVE to look at

this one is just precious with

we used to call this
spaghetti legs
and one more
just for the seemingly endless supply of

so this week we went back in time
wayyyyyy back
to visit a world that was and I'm sure in some hearts still is
and one I barely remember coz I was very little then
very very little


and we can all go there now
at the click of a button
what a world!!!!
what a bunch of sweeties you all are
 and before I let you go
please go and visit
and also her

Flickr page

 where you can see all the marvels

and see what she makes over there in Italy
you never know, you may just need one one day
I hope so because then the smiles will never end

grazie mille Maria per tutti i sorrisi e le risate .. questa mattina è stato così divertente!
24000 grazie

(look not one photo!!!)


  1. just to let you know im still out there somewhere ;) italia now thats a country i would love to visit

    take care

  2. Good to have you back M. I noticed the lack of blog posts.

    Nick xo

  3. Hilarious videos! Mia S.

  4. Totally enjoyed the videos, all three of charming the ladies were....fully clothed...hmmm wonder where those knickers and bras came out from :-)
