Monday, February 15, 2010

Wiggle wiggle

I'm working on it
wiggle wiggle wiggle
feed the cat
wiggle wiggle wiggle
cook dinner
wiggle wiggle wiggle
cheer for who ever is winningwhatever
wiggle wiggle wiggle
write a post
wiggle wiggle wiggle

1 comment:

  1. HA! Cute post. Glad to see you are getting lot of wiggling done. My creative juices seem to be having a dryspell at the moment. Boo! I have printed out your wagon wheel pattern and am gonna give it a go. I'm not always so great at patterns. Have wanted to learn granny squares for years, but the first time I tried, didn't work out so well. I must try again! Love all the pretty colorful crocheted items that Attic 24 has to share. Such fun stuff! Wishing you a warm and wonderful day. Blessings, Tammy
