some time ago
I decided I wanted a
vase for the living room
when I was on the
colour the place up a bit
coz it's too dark and drab
frame of mind
so I went on a search
so did
but our tastes do not mesh on things such as this
I am very particular about what I want to look at for the eons that I will have it
for I do have things that have been around for
ages even
that are
(no... I didn't use a thesaurus)
getting on
along in years
and husband is too
choosy that is
and quite truthfully
we are along in years and superannuated too !!!!!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :)
so I made it known that I would be choosing said item
nicely of course
but pointedly
(coz the things he was looking at and showing me
made shudders run down my spine!!!!
short story long!!!!!
I waited and looked a little
here and there
every so often
because getting a new vase is not important
not one little bit
not at all
it is the lowest thing on a list of things far more important
I found something on Etsy that would have filled the bill very nicely
but when I decided to go back and get it
someone had beaten me to it
so I hope they enjoy their very nice new
long may it hold their Friday Flowers
then fate steps in......
(or to use my favourite expression lately......
some bloody effing bastard
stole my credit card number
ran up eight hundred plus dollars worth of crap
from E-bay
and caused me to wait
a few days more)
I fooled them
husband needed a hair cut
so I waited for him in the useless craft store
that wasn't so useless
that day
for in the depths of its
50% OFF shelves
for all things living- room-ish
sat a vase
of the "turquoise" persuasion
waiting for me to find it
and find it I did
so with
cheque book in hand
I marched up to the check out portion of the store
and purchased said
while I tried to remember how to write a cheque!!!!!!
so that is why the flowers are up there front and centre again today
which is
and I understand completely if it isn't to your taste
we each have our own vision and version of
vases of the "turquoise" persuasion
so I hope you find one of your own this week end
or whatever it is your little heart desires
and may it be
50% + off
the credit card problem has been taken care of and all is well
and all that is left to do is change everything everywhere and hope the beb's leave me alone
this is the second time it's happened
seeing as I don't do retail therapy that often
(no I don't!!)
it's just annoying
very very
rude to steal what is not yours